Walk for Parkinson’s – Oxford

Laura Walton

Oxford Computer Consultants has long links to Parkinson’s research, being involved with a number of EU projects including Parreha, ParkService, PERFORM, and CuPiD.

A group of OCC employees and their families decided to take part in this year’s Oxford Walk for Parkinson’s on Sunday 25th October.

Walk for Parkinson's
The OCC team preparing for the walk.

On a sunny Sunday morning, Rosalind Ravelli, Laura Walton, John and Marie Boyle, and Reynold and Liz Greenlaw all walked the 4 mile course in under 2 hours. James Greig, Andy Muddiman, Julie Mabbett and Adam Wiseman completed the 8 mile course in under 3 hours 15 minutes, with Chris Griggs being the first to complete the 8 miles course by finishing in under 2 hours!

After having cake everyday for a week, our “Eat for Parkinson’s” cakes raised £134.19. This was added to the OCC fundraising page, where the total currently stands at £705.00. Thank you everyone for your support!